Monday, January 10, 2011

What is

In nutshell: is a tool so called personal agent which helps you find information, get your questions answered by your close friends and help you self-promote on the Internet.

In a more technical point: is a complex software system which consist of a bunch of servers providing web services and client applications which are running on the users' machines.

Basically the clients indexes any information the user provides and gives access to. This processed information will form the personal knowledge base.

This knowledge is maintained by the user on one hand and on the other hand the client application is a kind of intelligent agent, which is able to help the user to use this knowledge.

In other words each user has a client which is an agent in fact and these agents are able to represent their owners in many situations like answering e-mails automatically.

Social search:
The agents of different users can be connected thus forming a social network where users and agents can communicate with each others. Simply a user can add his friends to his agent's contact list and from that time live chat and agent 2 agent communication can be established.

But what is it good for? First of all it allows users to communicate as they do in other communication systems such as ICQ or messenger, but in addition if a user has a question he can use his agent to find a relevant answer automatically by asking his friends agents which is eventually a new way of search in a more social way. This is what we call agent guided social search. It can be automated, because under certain circumstances the agents may have access to the users personal knowledge base according to pre-defined security settings and they are able to evaluate on a level that an answer is relevant or not. To do so is using advanced Natural Language processing technologies.

Self promotion:
Apart from social search, personal knowledge base and agents has another aspect which is worth to mention (self promotion).

With a user can connect to all his social networks  using a single application. So you can connect your blogs, your Facebook or your twitter accounts. You can post simultaneously by using your agent. 
This is not that new itself indeed. But if you add the facts to the picture that you can generate any kind of content out of a single sentence automatically using your local knowledge and web mining techniques and post the resulting content after review or even automatically. Than you will get a new unique tool which could potentially help you out of the burden of every day social expectations.
It sounds crazy we know, but we will clarify this part more in details in further posts.

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